Dry Erase Strips? Really!

Sharpie Marker from Thetapeworks.com

Sharpie Marker from Thetapeworks.comI monitor a lot of forums related to live concert production and recently came across a discussion of the best thing to use for labeling mixing consoles.

One forum poster recommended using strips of dry erase material and then immediately followed up with the comment that he was constantly erasing the markings with his hands when using the mixer.

So, you’re erasing the strips, your hands are covered with marker ink and you are recommending this method to others?

The whole point of dry erase material is that, when used with the proper marker, it can be quickly erased and used again.

I remember needing to use a dry erase board once, and I couldn’t find a dry erase marker, so I reached into my pocket and pulled out a Sharpie Marker (every good sound person has one) without ever giving it a second thought.

Needless to say, Sharpies are not “dry erase” and now my whiteboard is totally useless.

Dry erase is definitely not the way to go.

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